Simple garter stitch scarf


4mm knitting needles

150g DK (double knitting yarn) cake yarn

Yarn needle for sewing in ends



Cast on 45 stitches

Row 1: slip the 1st stitch knitwise and knit to the end of the row

Row 2: slip the 1st stitch knitwise and knit to the end of the row

Repeat these 2 rows till you have just enough yarn to cast off.

Cast off and sew in your ends.

Please note that your scarf will be 9 inches wide

For a thinner dk yarn like King cole curiosity, I got a 9 inch wide scarf by casting on 50 stitches.

Happy knitting!

Seamless Adult Hat

Size: Adult


22 stitches and 28 rows=10cm (stockinette stitch)


Double knitting(dk) or light worsted 3 yarn

3.25mm 40cm circular knitting needle

4mm 40cm circular knitting needle

4mm dpns

Tapestry needle for sewing up and sewing in ends

Craft scissors


K – Knit P – Purl

Kfb – knit into the front and back of the same stitch

K2tog – knit 2 together


Using 3.25mm circular knitting needle and long tail cast on method, cast on 124 stitches.

Row 1-20: K2, P2

Change to 4mm circular knitting needle:

Row 1: kfb and knit till the end of the row (125 stitches)

Continue in stockinette stitch until hat measures 15cm

Shape crown

Row 1: (k10, k2tog, k11, k2tog) 5 times

Row 2: knit

Row 3: (k9, k2tog, k10, k2tog) 5 times,

Row 4: knit

Row 5: (k8, k2tog, k9, k2tog) 5 times

Row 6: knit

Row 7: (k7, k2tog, k8, k2tog) 5 times

Row 8: knit

Row 9: (k6, k2tog, k7, k2tog) 5 times

Row 10: knit

Row 11: (k5, k2tog, k6, k2tog) 5 times

Row 12: knit

Row 13: (k4, k2tog, k5, k2tog) 5 times

Row 14: knit

Row 15: (k3, k2tog, k4, k2tog) 5 times

Row 16: knit

Row 17: (k2, k2tog, k3, k2tog) 5 times

Row 18: knit

Row 19: (k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog) 5 times

Row 20: knit

Row 21: (k2tog, k1, k2tog) 5 times (15 stitches)

Finishing Cut yarn leaving a 20cm tail, run yarn through the remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off. Sew in ends. You can add a pompom if you want.

©2020 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Photographs: ©2020 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor) All rights reserved.

No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you!

Eleanor’s Hugs and Kisses


The width of the headband (or ear warmer) is 3.75 inches and the total length of 7 repeats is 19.25 inches before washing.


60g chunky yarn I used rico essentials mega merino.

5.5mm straight knitting needles

Cable needle

Tapestry needle for sewing up and sewing in ends

Craft scissors


K – Knit

P – Purl


C2B: Slip 1 stitch to the cable needle and hold at the back of your work. Knit 1, K1 from the cable needle.

C4F: Slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold in front of your work. K2, K2 from cable needle.

C4B: Slip 2 stitches to cable needle and hold at the back of your work. K2, K2 from cable needle.


This headband is knitted back and forth.

Using the cable cast on method, cast on 22 stitches.

Row 1: K2, P1, C2B, P2, K8, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 2: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 3: K2, P1,C2B, P2, C4F, C4B, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 4: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 5: K2, P1, C2B, P2, K8, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 6: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 7: K2, P1,C2B, P2, C4B, C4F, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 8: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 9: K2, P1, C2B, P2, K8, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 10: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 11: K2, P1,C2B, P2, C4B, C4F, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 12: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 13: K2, P1, C2B, P2, K8, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 14: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Row 15: K2, P1,C2B, P2, C4F, C4B, P2, C2B, P1, K2.

Row 16: K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3.

Repeat row 1- 16 6 times more

Cast off Knit-wise. Leave a long tail for seaming.


Seam the two ends together using the mattress stitch and weave in ends.

©2022 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Photographs: ©2022 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you! Hope you like it.

Seamless fingerless mittens

Size: Adult S/M (L/XL)


24 stitches and 30 rows=10cm (stockinette stitch in the round) using 4mm needles


Double knitting(dk) or light worsted 3 yarn

3.25mm dpns

3.75mm dpns

Tapestry needle for sewing up and sewing in ends

Craft scissors


K – Knit

P – Purl

Kfb – knit into the front and back of the same stitch

K2tog – knit 2 together

SSK – slip, slip, knit (slip 2 stitches knitwise, knit both together through the back loop)

2 x 2 rib – knit 2, purl 2

m1 – Make 1 (pick up loop between the last and next stitch, knit to the back of the the loop).


Set up for right and left hand

Using 3.25mm dpns and long tail cast on method, cast on 40 [44] stitches.

Work 1 x 1 rib for 2.5 [2.5] inches

Next row, rib 6, m1, (rib 7 [8], m1) 4 times, rib 6 (45[49] stitches)

Change to 3.75mm dpns:

Knit 6 rows

Right hand

Shape thumb gusset

1st row: K23[25], M1, K3, M1, knit to end of row (47[51] stitches)

knit 3 rounds without shaping

5th row: K23[25], M1, K5, M1, knit to end of row (49[53] stitches)

6th row: knit to end of row

7th row: K23[25], M1, K7, M1, knit to end of row (51[55] stitches)

8th row: knit to end of row

9th row: K23[25], M1, K9, M1, knit to end of row (53[57] stitches)

10th row: knit to end of row

11th row: K23[25], M1, K11, M1, knit to end of row (55[59] stitches)

12th row: knit to end of row

13th row: K23[25], M1, K13, M1, knit to end of row (57[61] stitches)

14th row: knit to end of row

L/XL only

15th row: K25, M1, K13, M1, knit to end of row (63 stitches)

16th row: knit to end of row

all sizes

Next row: K23[25], move the next 15[17] stitches (thumb stitches) onto scrap yarn or a small stitch holder, continue to knit to end of row (42[46] stitches)

Knit 12[16] rows

Next row: (K19[20], K2TOG) 2 times (40[44] stitches)

1 x 1 rib for 4 rows, cast off in rib


Transfer 15 thumb stitches on the scrap yarn or stitch marker onto 2 3.75mm dpns.

using 3.75mm dpns, K15[17], pick up 3 stitches (18[20] stitches)

Next row: K14[16], K2TOG, SSK (16[18] stitches)

1 x 1 rib for 4 rows, cast off in rib

Left hand

Shape thumb gusset

1st row: K19[21], M1, K3, M1, knit to end of row (47[51] stitches)

knit 3 rounds without shaping

5th row: K19[21], M1, K5, M1, knit to end of row (47[53] stitches)

6th row: knit to end of row

7th row: K19[21], M1, K7, M1, knit to end of row (49[55] stitches)

8th row: knit to end of row

9th row: K19[21], M1, K9, M1, knit to end of row (51[57] stitches)

10th row: knit to end of row

11th row: K19[21], M1, K11, M1, knit to end of row (53[59] stitches)

12th row: knit to end of row

13th row: K19[21], M1, K13, M1, knit to end of row (55[61] stitches)

14th row: knit to end of row

L/XL only

15th row: K21, M1, K13, M1, knit to end of row (63 stitches)

16th row: knit to end of row

all sizes

Next row: K19[21], move the next 15[17] stitches (thumb stitches) onto scrap yarn or a small stitch holder, continue to knit to end of row (42[46] stitches)

Knit 12[16] rows

Next row: (K20[21], K2TOG) 2 times (40[44] stitches)

1 x 1 rib for 4 rows, cast off in rib


Transfer 15 thumb stitches on the scrap yarn or stitch marker onto 2 3.75mm dpns.

using 3.75mm dpns, K15[17], pick up 3 stitches (18[20] stitches)

Next row: K14[16], K2TOG, SSK (16[18] stitches)

1 x 1 rib for 4 rows, cast off in rib

To make the fingerless mittens in the photo, I used Drops Lima in Maroon(9023) and Beige mix(0619). I cast on with Beige mix and changed colour on row 5 of ‘shape thumb gusset’. You can find the chart for the sheep below( I used duplicate stitch). Happy knitting!

©2022 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Photographs: ©2022 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor) All rights reserved.

No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you!

0-6 Months Baby Booties


3mm straight knitting needles

3.25mm straight knitting needles

Yarn needle(for seaming)

2 colours of Double knitting yarn (main colour and contrasting colour). I used Sirdar Cashmere Merino Silk DK

Knitting terms

K = knit

P= Purl

M= Make (pick up the loop between the 2 stitches and knit through the back)

SKP= Slip the next stitch, knit the next, pass the slipped stitch over the just knitted stitch

P2TOG= Purl 2 together


Using 3.25mm needles and main colour, cast on 35 stitches

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: K1, M1, K16, M1, K1, M1, K16, M1, K1

Row 3: Knit

Row 4: K2, M1, K16, M1, K3, M1, K16, M1, K2

Row 5: Knit

Row 6: K3, M1, K16, M1, K5, M1, K16, M1, K3

Row 7: Knit

Row 8: K4, M1, K16, M1, K7, M1, K16, M1, K4

Row 9 – 18: Knit

Break yarn

Upper foot

Row 1: Slip 21 stitches to your right needle without knitting, Using main colour, Knit 8, SKP and turn

Row 2: Slip the first stitch, P7 and P2TOG Turn

Row 3: Slip the first stitch, K7 and SKP Turn

Row 4: Slip the first stitch, P7 and P2TOG Turn

Continue Row 3 and 4 until you have 33 stitches left on your needles.

Break yarn.


Return all stitches on your right needle back to your left needle.

Using contrasting colour and 3mm needles,

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: K1, P1 to the last stitch and K1

Row 3: P1, K1 to the last stitch and P1

Continue Row 2 and 3 for 21 more rows

Bind off in pattern

Seam the back and under foot

Happy Knitting!

Newborn booties by Priscillia Uloho


2.75mm straight knitting needles

3.25mm straight knitting needles

Yarn needle(for seaming)

2 colours of Double knitting yarn (main colour and contrasting colour). I used Sirdar Cashmere Merino Silk DK

Knitting terms

K = knit

P= Purl

M= Make (pick up the loop between the 2 stitches and knit through the back)

SKP= Slip the next stitch, knit the next, pass the slipped stitch over the just knitted stitch

P2TOG= Purl 2 together


Using 3.25mm needles and main colour, cast on 31 stitches

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: K1, M1, K14, M1, K1, M1, K14, M1, K1

Row 3: Knit

Row 4: K2, M1, K14, M1, K3, M1, K14, M1, K2

Row 5: Knit

Row 6: K3, M1, K14, M1, K5, M1, K14, M1, K3

Row 7: Knit

Row 8: K4, M1, K14, M1, K7, M1, K14, M1, K4

Row 9 – 18: Knit

Break yarn

Upper foot

Row 1: Slip 19 stitches to your right needle without knitting, Using main colour, Knit 8, SKP and turn

Row 2: Slip the first stitch, P7 and P2TOG Turn

Row 3: Slip the first stitch, K7 and SKP turn

Row 4: Slip the first stitch, P7 and P2TOG turn

Continue Row 3 and 4 until you have 33 stitches left on your needles.

Break yarn.


Return all stitches on your right needle back to your left needle.

Using contrasting colour and 2.75mm needles,

Row 1: Knit

Row 2: K1, P1 to the last stitch and K1

Row 3: P1, K1 to the last stitch and P1

Continue Row 2 and 3 for 17 more rows

Bind off in pattern

Seam the back and under foot

Happy Knitting!

Lacey Newborn – 3 months baby bonnet


3.25mm straight knitting needles

4mm straight knitting needles

Yarn needle(for seaming)

Double knitting or 8ply yarn. I used Sirdar Cashmere Merino Silk DK in English rose

Knitting terms

K = knit

P = Purl

SKP = Slip the next stitch, knit the next, pass the slipped stitch over the just knitted stitch

P2TOG = Purl 2 together

K2TOG = Knit 2 together

M= Make (pick up the loop between the 2 stitches and knit through the back)



Using 3.25mm knitting needles, cast on 63 stitches and knit 6 rows (garter stitch). Change to 4mm knitting needles and commence pattern below

Row 1: (RS) K1, P1, * skp, k3, yo, k1, yo, k3, k2tog, p1; rep from * to the last stitch, K1.

Row 2: P1* K1, p11; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1, P1.

Rows 3 to 6: Rep rows 1 and 2 twice more.

Row 7: K1, P1, * yo, k3, ssk, p1, k2tog, k3, yo, p1; rep from * to last stitch, K1.

Row 8: P1, * K1, p5; rep from * to the last 2 sts, k1, p1

Row 9: k1, P1, * p1, yo, k2, ssk, p1, k2tog, k2, yo, p2; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 10: p1,* K2, (p4, k1) twice; rep from * to the last 2 sts, k1, p1.

Row 11: k1, P1, * p2, yo, k1, ssk, p1, k2tog, k1, yo, p3; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 12: p1, * K3, p3, k1, p3, k2; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1, p1.

Row 13: k1, P1, * p3, yo, ssk, p1, k2tog, yo, p4; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 14: p1, * K4, p2, k1, p2, k3; rep from * to last 2 st, k1, p1.

Row 15: K2, * yo, k3, k2tog, p1, ssk, k3, yo, k1; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 16: p1, * P6, k1, p5; rep from * to last 2 st, p2.

Rows 17 to 20: Repeat rows 15 and 16 twice more.

Row 21: k1, P1, * k2tog, k3, yo, p1, yo, k3, ssk, p1; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 22: As row 8.

Row 23: k1, P1, * k2tog, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, ssk, p1; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 24: p1, * K1, p4, k3, p4; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1, p1.

Row 25: k1, P1, * k2tog, k1, yo, p5, yo, k1, ssk, p1; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 26: p1, * K1, p3, k5, p3; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1, p1.

Row 27: k1, P1, * k2tog, yo, p7, yo, ssk, p1; rep from * to last stitch, k1.

Row 28: p1,* K1, p2, k7, p2; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1 p1.

Row 29: K32, M1, k31 (64 stitches)

Row 30: purl

Row 31: knit

Row 32: purl

Row 33: knit

Row 43: purl

Shape back:

Row 1: K2, * skp, k11, k2tog * 4 times, k2 (56 sts)

Row 2: purl

Row 3: K2, * skp, k9, k2tog * 4 times, k2 (48sts)

Row 4: purl

Row 5: k2, * skp, k7, k2tog * 4 times, k2 (40sts)

Row 6: purl

Row 7: k2, * skp, k5, k2tog * 4 times, k2 (32sts)

Row 8: purl

Row 9: k2, * skp, k3, k2tog * 4 times, k2 (24sts)

Row 10: purl

Row 11: k2tog to end (12sts)

Row 12: p2tog to end (6sts)

Cut yarn, leaving a long tail for seaming and thread through remaining stitches, draw up and seam for 2.5 inches from crown and weave in ends.

Neck edging:

With right side facing and 3.25mm knitting needles, pick up and knit 50 stitches evenly round neck edge of bonnet.

Knit for 4 rows (garter stitch)

Cast off knitwise


Pick up and knit a 4 stitch icord for 6.5 inches (on both edge) or attach a ribbon.

©2023 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Photographs: ©2023 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor) All rights reserved.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you!

Crochet watermelon slice for applique, hairclips or earrings.

Crochet watermelon slice for applique, hairclips or earrings.

Crochet watermelon slice

Yarn and colours used:

Katia Fair Cotton: 100% Organic Cotton Yarn (Sport) in Dusty salmon range(28), Cream(3), Light green(34) and Black(2)

Hook size: 1.75mm crochet hook

This pattern uses US crochet terminology.


Work in a continuous spiral unless stated otherwise.

Using Dusty salmon range(28),

Round 1: 6sc into a magic ring (6sc) {If you find magic rings difficult, Chain 2, 6sc into the 2nd sc} Pull your tail to close the ring.

Round 2: 2 sc into each st (12 sc)

Round 3: (1 sc into the next sc, 2 sc into the next sc) repeat till the end of round (18 sc)

You will be doing a bit of colourwork in the next round. 2 sc of Dusty salmon range(28), 1sc Black(2) to give the impression of seeds.

Round 4: (1 sc into each of the next 2 sc, 2 sc into the next sc) repeat till the end of round (24 sc)

Round 5: Using Dusty salmon range(28) throughout, (3 sc into the next sc, 2 sc into the next sc) repeat till the end of round (30 sc)

Change to cream(3)

Round 6: (4 sc into the next sc, 2 sc into the next sc) repeat till the end of round (36 sc) Change to Light green(34)

Last and finishing row: 1sc, fold flat and sc through both sides to the end. Fasten off.

Video tutorial on YouTube.

Baby mittens by Priscillia Uloho

Size: 0-3 months [3-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years]


22 stitches and 28 rows=10cm (stockinette stitch in the round) using 4mm needles


3.25mm dpns

4mm dpns

Yarn needle(for seaming)

20g Double knitting yarn (main colour and contrasting colour). I used West Yorkshire Spinners ColourLab (hand dyed by me)

Knitting terms

K = knit

P= Purl

M= Make (pick up the loop between the 2 stitches and knit through the back)

K3TOG= Knit 3 together

K3TOGTBL= Knit 3 together through the back loop


Using 3.25mm dpns, cast on 26 [28, 30, 32stitches]. Work 18 [22, 22, 26] rows of 1 x 1 rib.

Next row: K3 [9, 3, 4], M1, (K7 [10, 5, 8], M1) 3 [1, 5, 3] times, K2 [9, 2, 4]. 30 [30, 36, 36] stitches.

Change to 4mm dpns.

Working stockinette stitch, knit 14 [18, 20, 24] rows.

Shape Top:

Row 1: K3togtbl, K8 [8, 11,11], K3tog, K1, K3togtbl, K8 [8, 11,11], K3tog, K1. 22 [22, 28, 28] stitches.

Row 2: Knit

Row 3: K3togtbl, K4 [4, 7,7], K3tog, K1, K3togtbl, K4 [4, 7,7], K3tog, K1. 14 [14, 20, 20] stitches.

For 6-12 months and 1-2 years sizes only

Row 4: Knit

Row 5: K3togtbl, K3, K3tog, K1, K3togtbl, K3, K3tog. 13 stitches.

For all sizes

Break yarn leaving a tail, pull through the remaining sts with a tapestry needle, pull through to inside and weave in end.

©2023 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Photographs: ©2023 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor) All rights reserved.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you!

Woven cable headband by Priscillia Uloho

Size: Adult


The width of the headband (or ear warmer) is 4 inches and the total length of 14 repeats is 18 inches.


50g Aran yarn (I used paintbox yarns simply aran)

5mm straight knitting needles

Cables needle

Tapestry needle for sewing up and sewing in ends

Craft scissors


K – Knit

P – Purl


6 stitch left cable: Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in front of your work. K3, K3 from cable needle.

6 stitch right cable: Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold at the back of your work. K3, K3 from cable needle.


This headband is knitted back and forth.

Using the cable cast on method, cast on 26 stitches.

Row 1: K3, P1, K18, P1, K3.

Row 2: K4, P18, K4.

Row 3: K3, P1, K3, 6 stitch left cable twice, K3, P1, K3.

Row 4: K4, P18, K4.

Row 5: K3, P1, K18, P1, K3.

Row 6: K4, P18, K4.

Row 7: K3, P1, 6 stitch right cable 3 times, P1, K3

Row 8: K4, P18, K4

Repeat row 1- 8 13 times more

Cast off Knit-wise. Leave a long tail for seaming.


Seam the two ends together using the mattress stitch and weave in ends.

Also available in French

Also available in Italian–schema-scritto.html

Also available in Danish


Stirnband mit geflochtenen Zöpfen


50g Wolle mittlerer Stärke Stricknadeln der Stärke 5mm (oder passend zur Wolle) Zopfnadel Stopfnadel zum Vernähen

Abkürzungen r = rechte Masche l = linke Masche


 nach links gerichteter Zopf: 3 Maschen abheben auf eine Zopfnadel und vor der Arbeit halten. 3 Maschen rechts stricken. Die 3 Maschen von der Zopfnadel rechts abstricken

nach rechts gerichteter Zopf: 3 Maschen abheben auf eine Zopfnadel und hinter der Arbeit halten. 3 Maschen rechts stricken. Die 3 Maschen von der Zopfnadel rechts abstricken.


Das Stirnband wird in Hin- und Rückreihen gestrickt. Mit dem aufgestrickten Maschenanschlag (cable cast on) 26 Maschen anschlagen.

Reihe 1: 3r, 1l, 18r, 1l, 3r Reihe 2: 4 r, 18l, 4r Reihe 3: 3r, 1l, 3r, 2mal nach links gerichteten Zopf, 3r, 1l, 3r Reihe 4: 4 r, 18l, 4r Reihe 5: 3r, 1l, 18r, 1l, 3r Reihe 6: 4 r, 18l, 4r Reihe 7: 3r, 1l, 3mal nach rechts gerichteten Zopf, 1l, 3r Reihe 8: 4r, 18l, 4r

Wiederhole Reihe 1-8 noch 13mal (oder so lange bis das Stirnband passt). Die Maschen rechts abketten und einen langen Faden lassen zum vernähen.


Nähe die beiden Enden des Stirnbands mit dem Matratzenstich zusammen und vernähe die Fadenenden.

©2019 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

Now available in Spanish, thanks to Maya Dols

Traducida al español por: Maya Dols


50 gramos de lana de grosor medio (tipo Aran)

Agujas de tejer nro. 5

Aguja auxiliar para trenzas

Aguja lanera para coser los extremos y rematar cabos



p. der – punto del derecho

p. rev – punto del revés


Trenza (6 puntos) hacia la izquierda: poner 3 puntos en una aguja auxiliar y dejar delante de la labor, trabajar los 3 puntos siguientes del derecho y a continuación trabajar los 3 puntos de la aguja auxiliar del derecho

Trenza (6 puntos) hacia la derecha: poner 3 puntos en una aguja auxiliar y dejar por detrás de la labor, trabajar los 3 puntos siguientes del derechoy a continuación trabajar los 3 puntos de la aguja auxiliar del derecho


Esta diadema está tejida de lado a lado.

Montar 26 puntos, utilizando el método cable de montaje de puntos

Vuelta 1:​3 p. der, 1 p. rev, 18 p. der, 1 p. rev, 3 p. der

Vuelta 2:​4 p. der, 18 p. rev, 4 p. der

Vuelta 3:​3 p. der, 1 p. rev, 3 p. der, trabajar 2 veces la trenza hacia la izquierda, 3 p. der,

1 p. rev, 3 p. der

Vuelta 4:​4 p. der, 18 p. rev, 4 p. der

Vuelta 5:​3 p. der, 1 p. rev, 18 p. der, 1 p. rev, 3 p. der

Vuelta 6:​4 p. der, 18 p. rev, 4 p. der

Vuelta 7:​3 p. der, 1 p. rev, trabajar 3 veces la trenza hacia la derecha, 1 p. rev, 3 p. der

Vuelta 8:​4 p. der, 18 p. rev, 4 p. der

Repetir las vueltas 1-8, 13 veces más.

Cerrar los puntos del derecho. Dejar un cabo largo para coser los dos extremos.

Rematar cabos.

Photographs: ©2019 Priscillia Uloho (Erica and Eleanor)

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright holder.

Note: You can sell finished items made from this pattern but please do not resell the pattern. Thank you!